If many kilometers separate us, it doesn't matter. Our online education is designed to support you and your horse on the journey together.
For online education, we use the Zoom platform where we can simultaneously watch the video and comment on it.
The idea is that after an initial conversation about what you are doing with your horse and what you would like or need help with, we will watch a recorded video of you and your horse and talk about it. After this information, we can determine where to start.
The principle of our online education is that we send you videos with exercises for you and your horse, and that you send us a video where you perform these exercises with your horse. The point of your recorded videos is not for everything to be perfect, but for you to learn and progress through them, because everything that happens to you and your horse is valuable information. We offer online education options lasting 30 minutes, 60 minutes and 90 minutes. If you have questions or want to know more about it, contact us.